As predicted, this winter is proving to be a wet and cold one! We want you and your family to stay safe this winter driving on hazardous roads. As the saying goes “Ice and Snow, Take It Slow!”
Check before your leave home to see what the weather/driving conditions are. Know your limits as a driver to decide whether you should go or don’t go. Make sure you allow adequate time to get to your destination. Plan on going under the posted speed limit and allow plenty of space between you and other cars.
Make sure your vehicle is completely uncovered of any snow or ice from all windows, lights, signals, and brake lights. Check that your car is mechanically good to go also (i.e. tires, wiper blades, etc.). The last thing you need is a breakdown on a day when the roads are bad. A breakdown is bad enough on a good weather day.
Black ice is especially dangerous because you don’t know it is there until you are already on top of it. Areas for black ice can be bridges, off-ramps, and intersections to name a few. Just remember, Ice and Snow, Take it Slow.
Snowplows are out on the roads to help keep them clear for you. Always be mindful of them and give them the room they need. Do not pass them or tailgate them. If you have to pass, always use extreme caution. Their field of vision is restricted and you may see them but they may not see you.
If you would happen to get into an accident, here are a few reminders/tips to follow to help with your auto insurance claim:
- First, make sure everyone is okay. Call an ambulance if needed.
- If possible, get vehicle(s) off the road for safety. Especially if visibility is low. Put out hazard triangles or something similar if you have them.
- Call the police.
- Exchange information – BOTH name, address, and phone # of other party along with their insurance information (this is also found on the motorist report the police officer will provide you).
- Contact your agent and/or insurance company to start the claims process.
All of us here at the Miller Insurance Agency wish you and your loved ones safe travels this winter!
For more information on your auto insurance or a quote, please call or stop by one of our convenient locations in Bloomington, Colfax, and Gridley.